Old Buckeye Neighborhood
By the end of the 1970s many of the original inhabitants of Buckeye Road had migrated to the suburbs as they ascended the economic ladder, and in large part due to the White flight, which had produced similar migrations out of the inner city in many U.S. metropolitan areas.
By the beginning of the 21st century only a handful of the Hungarian residents remained in a neighborhood that today is predominately African-American. Benedictine High School, a Catholic high school and perennial football-powerhouse that boasts Chuck Noll as an alumnus, is located just south of Buckeye on Martin Luther King Drive.
Points of interest, all of which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places include the Saint Luke’s Hospital, Now Saint Luke’s Manor, (built in 1927); St. Elizabeth’s Church (built in 1892); and the Weizer Building (built in 1928).